Jan 5-13: A week of teaching in the Menlo Park area — Sifting to the Truth

Jan 5-13: A week of teaching in the Menlo Park area

EDIT: some of the times in the flyer were wrong; a corrected flyer is now posted below. Weekday evening sessions are from 7:30-9:00 pm Pacific, not starting from 6. Wednesday evening there is no session.

I will be teaching for a week in the a Menlo Park area, from Jan 5 to Jan 13.

Anyone is welcome to join via zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88687365232?pwd=amJLakVHYUN0TE0wUndlODZqQWxHdz09

The times are below, all in Pacific Standard time, and if you’re in the area and want to join in-person, contact Geetha Swamy at the number at the bottom of the flyer for exact location details.
