Am I doing this right? Confusion is natural in the quest for the Self. — Sifting to the Truth

Am I doing this right? Confusion is natural in the quest for the Self.

Most seekers practicing self-inquiry and surrender inevitably run into confusion and a sense that they're doing the practice wrong. Confusion is natural: these practices only appear to be practices. They are actually pointers to the Self. You are not really doing inquiry or surrender; you ARE inquiry and surrender, in truth. So confusion is natural, because the practice leads you to this conclusion. The practices themselves will be your teacher. Live in the struggle and the uncertainty -- you will be led onward. Also, the real reason for the lack of final clarity in these practices is inevitably because attachment -- caring about the results of things in life, and feeling that you have to engage with them to control them -- is too strong. These attachments are afraid of seeing the truth, so they prevent clarity. Through the practice, attachment weakens, and clarity eventually dawns.