Clarifying self-inquiry: what does 'who am I' really mean? — Sifting to the Truth

Clarifying self-inquiry: what does 'who am I' really mean?

The fundamental question behind nonduality and self-inquiry is "Who am I?" Many people get confused by this question, interpreting it in philosophical or psychological terms, or asking it as a kind of koan or mantra. It is not meant to be any of these. Who am I refers to a single specific activity: the activity of trying to hone in on or locate a facet of our own moment-to-moment experience, that part of it which knows "I witness this experience and am not it." As soon as we try to locate this, we find we engage in a chase, because that aspect becomes elusive. Staying on the chase is how we try to answer the question. The I we think we are, the witnessing I, turns out to be a kind of illusion, which reveals the deeper and truer I, the true Self.