If you love philosophy because you seek deep truth, there's good reason to consider a mystical path — Sifting to the Truth

If you love philosophy because you seek deep truth, there's good reason to consider a mystical path

If you are interested in philosophy because you are looking for ultimate truth -- the questions of why we are here, why there is something rather than nothing, and so on -- there is good philosophical reason for considering a mystical path. The senses and intellect are subject to doubt -- something borne out by thousands of years of philosophical dispute.

If truth is to be found, it has to be found in a different way of knowing. The enduring mystery of consciousness suggests a place to look. Thousands of years of mystical search across cultures suggests consistent reports of extra-mental truth, of ultimate truth beyond doubt. For seekers of truth, this is worth taking seriously and trying out. It is not about organized religion or blind belief. It's about looking within and finding out for yourself.