The habit of thinking of what to do next is hard to break. — Sifting to the Truth

The habit of thinking of what to do next is hard to break.

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The habit of thinking in terms of what to do next is hard to break. Your true sole job is to relax and reside in peace at all times, bar none. For no reason and nothing should exception be made. That is the true vocation of the human being. Through that all else gets done, without his or her knowledge.

Doing nothing, the sage does all, Lao Tzu says.

When trying to relax, anxious thoughts sometimes arise: “I’m staying inactive too long! When will I wake up and do things? Time’s running. Ok, enough relaxation, now I’ve really got to get up and do!” And then the further questions: “When will I do? What will I do? How will I do it?” And on and on and on.

As soon as you touch thought, the entire architecture of the maze lights up. Notice the wording here; if you touch thought. If thought occurs spontaneously, impersonally, that is fine. That is, if it happens despite your utter calm, as an involuntary spasm!

There’s no one then there to suffer the consequences. (Not, of course, that there ever really is.)

Only when utterly, insouciantly unconcerned with even the next second, let alone the next minute or hour, can real action — action whose source is the mysterious and the creative and the playful — take place.