Akilesh NorCal 2024 workshop on surrender, inquiry, and Ramana's supplement to 40 verses - Day 4 pm
Akilesh NorCal 2024 workshop on surrender, inquiry, and Ramana's supplement to 40 verses - Day 4 am
Akilesh NorCal 2024 workshop on surrender, inquiry, and Ramana's supplement to 40 verses - Day 3 pm
Akilesh NorCal 2024 workshop on surrender, inquiry, and Ramana's supplement to 40 verses - Day 2 pm
Akilesh NorCal 2024 workshop on surrender, inquiry, and Ramana's supplement to 40 verses - Day 2 am
Akilesh NorCal 2024 workshop on surrender, inquiry, and Ramana's supplement to 40 verses - Day 1
Attachments and the discerning methods of surrender and self-inquiry
Weakening attachments is most of the ball game in the spiritual search. Attachments prop up the illusion of mind; seeking peace through concentration weakens them. But while the peace of concentration can be attained in different ways, there are special advantages to surrender and self-inquiry.
Surrender is like trusting that breathing will happen on its own
Surrender offers the beauty of effortlessness, but of course we are afraid of it leading to death, since we think that to sustain life requires our effort. It is not so. In fact, what is necessary will happen by itself -- but it may not SEEM so, for several reasons. We have to persevere through this illusion to get to the other side.